Our story

The story of the Abeautylab salon began several years ago. Back then, customers chose us because of the warm atmosphere of our home. As time passed, the salon changed its name and location several times. In 2023, I opened a small space. Almost everything has changed: the name, the company colors, the logo, the concept, the Instagram style. One thing has remained the same: my love for my clients and my values. Just like a few years ago, Abeautylab is focused on comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

Ecologically responsible

In the beauty industry it is difficult to achieve sustainability, but we try to be environmentally responsible and use materials sourced in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Our positioning is that of a place of rest and relaxation, but also a place where we take care of you and your current needs.

Here are some of the steps we are taking:

- We only use reusable materials, cups and napkins are washed with environmentally friendly detergents.

- We try to use recycled products (like toilet paper) as consumables.

- We support the local economy by purchasing products made in Belgium.

- For lighting, heating and beauty treatments, we use energy-saving solutions such as LED lamps.

- We use online services to manage reservations to avoid excessive use of paper.

But that’s not all..

We are not just a beauty salon. We offer regular help to those who need it. With this in mind, we collaborate with the social center for people in difficulty.

Social responsibility is at the heart of our values.

- We regularly organize beauty treatments in women's social centers.

- We collect pillows and clothes for pregnant women in social centers.

- We hire people through Actiris/VDAB to help unemployed people find work.

- With the help of our suppliers, we constantly organize parties for victims of domestic violence during traditional holidays such as Christmas, Women's Day, and sometimes we make surprise visits.

Our services

  • Des massages réguliers permettent de se détendre, d'évacuer le stress et d'améliorer la circulation sanguine, ce qui a un effet positif sur la peau. L'amélioration de la circulation améliore l'aspect de la peau, la rendant plus éclatante et plus jeune. En outre, le massage améliore votre bien-être général, et la bonne humeur et la relaxation ont un effet positif sur votre confiance en vous et votre perception de la beauté.

  • Massage du visage, masques, peeling, PRX-T33

    - lifting (resserrement des tissus);

    - l'effet d'un visage reposé et détendu ;

    - ton amélioré, blush frais;

    - lissage des rides ;

    - nivellement des disproportions ;

    - drainage lymphatique.